The Association for Academic Administrators

4th Conference & AGM

18 -19 May 2023, Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Gauteng

‘Best Practices in the automation & digitization of academic administration driven by the need to reduce face-to-face student services on campuses’

Conference  Theme

The Board of Directors of the AAA decided that the theme for the 2023 conference is ‘Best Practices in the automation & digitization of academic administration driven by the need to reduce face-to-face student services on campuses’


Who should attend

All personnel who are involved with the broad function of academic (-student) administration, inclusive of faculty and examinations administration or any other related functions at all Universities, TVET Colleges and Private Higher Education institutions in Southern Africa and Africa

Break-away group discussions

AAA Members are invited to submit topics for discussion in these sessions until 14 workdays before the conference.

Panel Discussions

Panel members to share real case studies relevant to the theme.

Panel members: AAA Board of Directors

Gold Sponsor

Our Gold Sponsor is

Advanced Secure Technologies who develop innovative, secure solutions that protect individuals, organisations and wider society against fraud.

In the field of education, they ensure the highest level of security for qualifications. Safeguarding the integrity of the learning and ensuring that all stakeholders, learners, centres and awarding organisations are protected.

Featured Talks & Speakers

Opening address: 18 May 2023 – 09h30 – 10h30

Speaker: Ms Carol Crosley, Registrar, University of Witwatersrand.

Carol Crosley has been the Registrar of the University since June 2014. Since starting at Wits in 1998, Crosley has held various positions. She is the former Deputy Registrar: Enrolment at the University, a position she held from May 2013. Prior to that, she was the Deputy Registrar and Head of the Student Enrolment Centre (SEnC), which she played a pivotal role in establishing.

Session chair: Mr Ashmind Daniels, Vice-chairman of the Board

18 May 2023 – 14:00 to 15:00

Cara-Jean Petersen

Paper: Growing third stream income – innovation in fundraising to assist needy students to graduate

Speaker: Ms Cara-Jean Petersen: CEO, Feenix.

Session chair: Mr Peet du Plessis, GM: AAA

19 May 2023 – 09h20 – 09h45

Advanced Secure Technologies, UK

Digital transformation in certification & best practice.

Speakers: Mr Kevin Bassett and Ms Georgina Lee – Directors

19 May 2023 – 10h30 – 11h10

Emily Maddock Khan

Paper: Not Going Back to the Norm

Guest speaker: Ms Emily Maddock Khan, Representative of the Association of University Administrators (AUA-UK) and Head of College Services, University of Nottingham International College.

Session Chair: Mr Peet du Plessis, GM: AAA

18 May 2023 – 10h30 – 11h20

Speaker: Mr Edgar de Koker, Registrar at Nelson Mandela University

Keynote address: Automation and artificial intelligence: The call for an agile academic administration service.

Session chair: Mr Vido Kungune, Chairman of the Board

18 May 2023 11h45 – 12h45

Marietjie Ackermann

“How digitization and automation can create a better services experience and environment at HEI’s”.

Automation and digitization have been put forward as a strategic goal for the NWU in 2021. To confirm this priority many activities and projects started in 2022 to realise this goal. This included the purchase of a new student information system, implementing new email platforms and transferring to Skype to business for telephonic conversations

Guest speaker: Marietjie Ackermann, Section Head, Higher Degree Admin., North-West University.

Session chair: Ms Ranitha Ramdeyal, Board member

19 May 2023 – 09:45– 10:30

Robyn Southgate & Grace Naidoo

Paper: Streamlining academic administration through websites

Guest speakers:  Robyn Southgate and Grace Naidoo, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of the Western Cape.

Session chair: Mr Preggy Reddy (AAA Board)

19 May 2023 – 12:30 – 13:00

Guest Speaker

Jackie Phamotse, Writer, Businesswoman, Social activist and Philanthropist


Conference Fee Details

Conference fee for Thursday & Friday, 18 – 19 May 2023 is R4 300.00.  (Note: The AAA NPC is not registered for VAT) 




16h20 pm

Teamwork Fun Event – Delegates from various institutions are allocated to teams for this event to promote interaction between colleagues of other institutions, and to win the prizes. Please download the details.



8h15 am

Lucky Draw – If you snooze you lose. You must be there to win!

13h00 pm

Lucky draw – Lucky draw – Weekend getaway for two – at a luxury resort/hotel sponsored.



Gala Dinner Function

Theme: My Favourite TV Show / Movie

Time : 19:00pm – 23:30pm

Location : Emperors Palace

Dress like a character/(s) from your favourite TV show or movie – prizes to be won 😊 (Dressing up is not compulsory – otherwise smart casual)


Dinner hosts: Mr Vido Kungune and Ms Ranitha Ramdeyal

Adjudication panel for prizes: Mr Ashmind Daniels, Mr Preggy Reddy, Ms Cara-Jean Peterson, Ms Nonzuzo Zikalala.

19:00: Guests to be taking up their seats – no tables or seats are reserved. You are free to sit where you like.
19:00 – 19:30: Prize-giving for the winning teams of the video clips. There will also be a few fun prizes as well.

19:30 – 20:30: Buffet dinner
After dinner: Dancing with Dee Jay Mark till late (+-23:00). Watch music from the movies on the big screen.

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