From paper to smart digital board packs: transforming governance meetings in the university of Limpopo
The University governance management meetings remain a fundamental aspect of day-to-day business. This daily business is characterised and led by tons of physical or print meetings agendas/packs, in the majority of cases, meetings were still conducted using hundreds of pages of paper and this format remained completely unchanged for years in our institution. In an era of smart devices, there is no excuse for such outdated processes. Paper is inefficient and inconvenient. It takes time to compile, print, copy and collate, and then in the meeting people end up spending more time verifying the information to hand, rather than discussing and making strategic decisions.
Some educational institutions have attempted to remove the paper burden by opting for electronic document transmission, e-mailing governing boards PDFs of the meeting papers. However, this is actually a retrograde step and does not meet the data protection laws, records security and vital records management best practices. This presentation seeks to share how digital smart board packs and electronic document management solution transformed governance committee meetings, achieved successes and future innovations to meet vital records management compliance obligations.