Sam Bayley

Sam Bayley has been Head of Faculty Planning and Strategy at the University of Hull (United Kingdom) since February 2024. He joined the Higher Education sector in 2010 at the University of York, where he held various roles supporting timetabling, accommodation, and...

Break-away group discussions

Break-away Group A: Plenary Room ** Facilitators: Mr Ashmind Daniels (AAA Board) and Peet du Plessis (GM AAA) Discussion topic 1: The role of academic administrators in improving student success. (30 min.) Discussion leader: Mr Khwezi Bonani, Coordinator:...

Rachel Hill-Kelly

Rachel Hill-Kelly is Honorary Secretary and Board member of the Association of Higher Education Professionals and works for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education as Assistant Company Secretary, leading its Governance team and supporting its Board.  She is...

Dr Janin Vansteenkiste

As the only practitioner of biographical coaching in South Africa, Dr Janin’s unique approach combines organisational development, medical and industrial sociology and biographical counselling to provide individuals and groups with the inspiration and energy for...

Hilda Potgieter

Hilda is a dedicated and experienced administrator with over 19 years of experience in university administration, finance, student affairs management, and general office administration. Possesses excellent time management skills, attention to detail, effective...