Emily Maddock Khan

Emily Maddock Khan is a Higher Education professional based in the UK with over 15 years experience in the sector. Emily is a Fellow of the UK-based Association of University Administrators (AUA) and a graduate of their PgCert Higher Education Administration,...

Cara-Jean Petersen

CEO of Feenix. This Public Benefit Organisation is an online fundraising platform that connects communities; providing a tool for students to formalize their fundraising efforts and a channel for funders to find students they wish to support. I personally faced many...

Jackie Phamotse

Jackie Phamotse is a writer, businesswoman, social activist and philanthropist. Her debut novel BARE: The Blesser’s Game, was published in 2017 and was awarded the African Icon Literary Award in Lagos, Nigeria in 2018. Her second book titled I tweet what I like was...

Carol Crosley

Carol Crosley is the Registrar of Wits University – a position she had held for 8 years. She is a Witsie for life having been at the institution for close on 26 years now, holding various positions and working her way through the years: Marketing Coordinator,...

Edgar De Koker

Edgar De Koker is currently the Registrar at Nelson Mandela University and has been in this position since July 2019. Prior to this he was Deputy Registrar: Secretariat and Policy Management at the University of the Western Cape. He was also employed at Parliament...